Sand and rocks
Rock paintings
6.000 years old rock paintings
Tsodilo Hills e’ uno dei siti piu’ inaccessibili di tutta l’Africa. Per arrivare alla base di queste colline bisogna percorrere una “strada” terribile. Cinquanta chilometri di sabbia e rocce sotto un sole cocente. Per tre ore ho rivissuto l’incubo del lago Turkana.Una volta arrivato li’ ho fatto la bella scoperta che non c’e’ assolutamente alcun tipo di servizio. Il che significa niente cibo nel raggio di sessanta chilometri ed io, ovviamente, non avevo con me nessuna provvista quindi ho deciso di scalare in fretta una delle quattro colline per andare poi in Namibia a cercare qualcosa da mangiare.Su queste colline sono stati rinvenuti piu’ di 2750 pitture rupestri. Alcune risalgono addirittura a piu’ di 5000 anni fa.Quando sono tornato alla motocicletta ho incontrato una coppia di svizzeri che viaggia con un vecchio Land Cruiser. Mi hanno detto di conoscere tutta la mia storia ed il progetto che sto portando avanti qui in Africa ed a conferma di cio’ hanno saputo dire tutti i miei spostamenti precedenti.Mi hanno invitato a mangiare qualcosa con loro. Cosi’ abbiamo montato la tenda nella foresta alla base delle colline (S 18 45,638’ E 21 44,510’) e Alex ha cucinato degli ottimi spaghetti con pomodoro e verdure e, incredibilmente, anche un bel caffe’ espresso.
Colonna Sonora: “I Know a Place” Bob Marley
Tsodilo Hills is one of the worst sites to reach in Africa. We had to ride along a ‘road’ in very poor conditions to get to the hills. Fifty kilometres of rocks and sand under a scorching sun. I relived for three hours the nightmare of Lake Turkana. When we finally made it to our destination we found out there weren’t facilities of any sort, which means no food within 60 km. Of course, I had no food with me, so I decided to climb up in a hurry one of the four hills, in order to reach Namibia looking for something to eat. On these hills more than 2750 rock paintings have been found in the course of time. Some of them date back to more than 5000 years ago.
Back on the saddle, I met a Swiss couple travelling with an old Land Cruiser. They told me they knew all my story, as well as the project I’m involved in here in Africa. They were even able to report about my previous stops. They invited me to eat something in their company at the foot of the hills (S 18 45,638’ E 21 44,510’) and Alex cooked very good spaghetti with tomato and vegetables. He even provided us with an excellent expresso coffee.
Tsodilo Hills is one of the worst sites to reach in Africa. We had to ride along a ‘road’ in very poor conditions to get to the hills. Fifty kilometres of rocks and sand under a scorching sun. I relived for three hours the nightmare of Lake Turkana. When we finally made it to our destination we found out there weren’t facilities of any sort, which means no food within 60 km. Of course, I had no food with me, so I decided to climb up in a hurry one of the four hills, in order to reach Namibia looking for something to eat. On these hills more than 2750 rock paintings have been found in the course of time. Some of them date back to more than 5000 years ago.
Back on the saddle, I met a Swiss couple travelling with an old Land Cruiser. They told me they knew all my story, as well as the project I’m involved in here in Africa. They were even able to report about my previous stops. They invited me to eat something in their company at the foot of the hills (S 18 45,638’ E 21 44,510’) and Alex cooked very good spaghetti with tomato and vegetables. He even provided us with an excellent expresso coffee.
Soundtrack: “I Know a Place” Bob Marley
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