Da Maltahohe mi sono spostato a Keetmanshoop. Questo posto e' famoso per la presenza dei Kokerbooms, degli strani e buffi alberi che sembrano appartenere piu' al mondo delle fate e dei folletti che non al pianeta terra. Qui ho incontrato un gruppo di ciclisti che a colpi di pedale attraversa tutta l'Africa dal Cairo a Cape Town. A loro il merito di tanta tenacia e costanza. Io non ne sarei capace. Troppa fatica per i miei gusti. Quella notte mi sono accampato in un bellissimo terreno roccioso proprio in mezzo ad alcuni Kekerbooms.
Colonna sonora: "Mad about you" Hooverphonic
From Maltahohe I continued to Keetmanshoop. This place is famous for the presence of the Kokerbooms: these funny trees seem to belong better to a fairy-world rather than to planet earth. Here I met a group of cyclists, who are pedalling all the way through Africa from Cairo to Cape Town. Well, hats off to their tenacity and steadfastness. I couldn’t do that. Too tiring for me. I camped for the night in a picturesque rocky terrain just in the middle of some Kekebooms.
Colonna sonora: "Mad about you" Hooverphonic
From Maltahohe I continued to Keetmanshoop. This place is famous for the presence of the Kokerbooms: these funny trees seem to belong better to a fairy-world rather than to planet earth. Here I met a group of cyclists, who are pedalling all the way through Africa from Cairo to Cape Town. Well, hats off to their tenacity and steadfastness. I couldn’t do that. Too tiring for me. I camped for the night in a picturesque rocky terrain just in the middle of some Kekebooms.
Soundtrack: "Mad about you" Hooverphonic
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