Monday, 4 February 2008

Arba Minch - Weyto (12.719 km)

Giovedi 23/01/2008 abbiamo assistito all’ennesimo drastico cambiamento. Entrando nella Valle dell’Omo, la zona sudoccidentale dell’Etiopia, la vegetazione inizia ad infittirsi e cambiano anche i tratti somatici delle persone. Fa impressione vedere quanta gente si puo’ incontrare in giro da queste parti e ci vuole un po’ di tempo per abituarsi all’idea che qui tutti portano con se un machete o un kalashnikov. La strada che porta a Weyto e’ sterrata, ma per la maggiorparte in ottime condizioni. Tuttavia ogni tanto ci si puo’ imbattere all’improvviso in tratti di sabbia profonda che rendono il tragitto molto pericoloso. Uno di questi e’ stato fatale per Robin che e’ caduto rovinosamente rompendo la leva del cambio, il manubrio ed il cruscotto della moto. Fortunatamente lui se le cavata con qualche graffio ed un gran bel livido sul fianco. Mentre riparavamo la moto siamo stati raggiunti da Werner e Tom che ci hanno aspettato ed hanno fatto con noi l’ultimo tratto di strada fino a Weyto (N 05 22,383’ E 36 59,609’). Colonna sonora: “Jungle Boogie” Kool & The Gang

started off the morning nicely by having a massive wipeout. and we got in all on film as well! krikey it was a big wake up call. we ride every day and have near misses often. after a while you get a sense of being slightly immortal out there and you forget your circumstances. so getting bitten is very important, shaking you back to your senses again. i was going up a small hill,too hot on the gas. the road had a huge ditch covered in powdery sand. my front went down and i went over. very simple. it hurt like hell and i realy buggered up the bike. bent handlebars, broken levers all round. serious gash on my hip bone and just generally really shaken up. tome and werner arrived shortly after, dishing out some tlc. we carried on moving and it turned out to be a fantastic ride. we descended into the Omo valley. dropping in altitude and into the heat. the place is just awesome. we stopped regularly to just gawk at the view . i had a little sob in my helmet at one viewing point. its strange i know but sometimes out there you see things so beautiful that they touch a little place deep inside of you. i immediatley thought of the people i love and tears came flooding. its a wonderful emotion and not very manly so ill stop here. i had another realization whilst riding around 16.00. i was alone, on my pegs, riding under the accacia trees, i felt the hot air moving through my jacket and around my arms and waist. and i was feeling so content and serene. i was so happy to be there, at that point in time, and above all, to be me. there.

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