Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Göreme wanderıngs

the lone rangers

crazy beautıful scenery here
off-road in rose valley

on top of the mountain

the lost boys

my new raın boots - made from black plastıc bags and duck tape

crazy beautıful scenery here

old catholıc church we found dug out from a natural pıllar/chımney


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob

This is so awesome!

Checking your blog each day has become a daily fix. Geeza's so proud of you!

Great that the admin is finally sorted.

Safe travels, you two.

makemusicnotmoney said...

la valle delle fate...

kiki said...

Grazie per le belle foto. Che bello vedervi!! Vi stringiamo forte .
Cri Vivì Agent Smith

esocreativo said...

Oggi è sabato a Torino e in mezzo mondo. Voi siete li'. Io davanti al mio mac in ufficio.
Ci sono domande?

Lavium said...

Love the photos and videos... especially the one of Jami's near death.

Safe riding in Africa and I'll see you two in Hawaii (or Japan)!

Unknown said...

Splendidi posti...

Prendo appunti...


Clacla & Elena

Anonymous said...

Hey Robin, Kay here. Great pix. Please write some more. I'd love to know what you guys are feeling and thinking as you rumble over the world.