Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Goreme - Antakya (5.027km)

frosty mornings in goreme.
We pushed on down towards the syrian border. its been getting hotter ever since but i tell you passing down through those mountains i froze myself half to death. beautiful scenery and fleeting moments that i could never photograph or describe in words. we were high up in the mountains - then cruised down to sea level on this wonderful winding road - we glided down so gracefully. felt as if we were flying. at this point i was quite happy to be going from turkey. i had some wonderful moments here but felt that it was quite a frustrated country. the people are quite crippled by the crushing petrol price and things are just outright expensive when a third of the folk you see around the country side still ride on mules! other than that our day was quite boring. i think i need to share this thought: sometimes our days are bloody boring you know. traveling involves a lot of waiting and stalling and hanging around and long straight roads and drab petrol stations. mix that with some fantastic people, strange places, cultures and utter chaos and you have our daily grind in a nutshell. plain bloody weird really. what fun!

Sabato 24/11/2007 e' finalmente arrivato il carnet che ci aveva spedito Marco Rimondi dalla Ducati. Cosi' siamo partiti da Goreme e dopo aver valicato le montagne innevate di Taurus siamo arrivati ad Antakya (N 36 12.305' E 36 09.813'). Ormai stiamo per uscire dalla Turchia e un po' mi dispiace. Ci sono tante cose che mi mancheranno: i paesaggi incantevoli, ma soprattutto l'allegria e la cordialita' delle persone che abbiamo incontrato. Di sicuro non sentiro' la mancanza del freddo polare che abbiamo patito e dei 2 euro che abbiamo dovuto pagare per ogni litro di benzina consumato. Mi chiedo come facciano i turchi a permettersi di pagare cosi'tanto la benzina.
Colonna sonora: "Anarchy in the UK" Sex Pistols

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