Praia do Tofo
The dog is throwing the stick to Matteo
Mentre risalivamo la costa del Mozambico ho avuto come l’impressione di essere ritornato in Africa. Il paesaggio e le persone sono gli stessi che abbiamo incontrato tra il Kenya ed il Botswana e non hanno nulla a che vedere con quelli del Sud Africa. A Praia do Tofo (S 23 51,119’ E 35 32,605’) ci siamo rilassati per cinque giorni guardando le grandi onde dell’oceano Indiano dal piccolo bar sulla spiaggia sotto un tetto di foglie di palma. Abbiamo anche fatto un po’ di surf ed io sono riuscito a realizzare un altro grande sogno che mi portavo dietro fin da bambino: mi sono immerso in mezzo a tre enormi manta ray ed ho nuotato fianco a fianco con uno squalo balena di sei metri. E’ stato incredibile. Sono riuscito a stargli proprio vicino. Ma il momento piu’ emozionante e’ stato quando mi ha guardato dritto in faccia con uno dei suoi piccolissimi occhi.
Colonna Sonora: “Surfin Safari” The Beach Boys
While cruising up the Mozambico coast I had the impression to find myself back in Africa. The countryside and the people here look very much the same as the landscapes and the people we met between Kenya and Botswana. They have nothing to do with South Africa. At Praia do Tofo (S 23 51,119’ E 35 32,605’) we relaxed for five days. Nothing much to do but contemplating the big waves of the Atlantic Ocean from a tiny beachfront bar under a palm-leaf roof. We spent some time surfing and I accomplished another great dream I was longing for since I was a child: I plunged in the water among three huge manta rays and swam side by side with a 6-meter whale shark. It was unbelievable, we were indeed very close to each other! The most exciting moment was when the shark looked at me right in the middle of my face from one of his wee wee eyes.
Colonna Sonora: “Surfin Safari” The Beach Boys
While cruising up the Mozambico coast I had the impression to find myself back in Africa. The countryside and the people here look very much the same as the landscapes and the people we met between Kenya and Botswana. They have nothing to do with South Africa. At Praia do Tofo (S 23 51,119’ E 35 32,605’) we relaxed for five days. Nothing much to do but contemplating the big waves of the Atlantic Ocean from a tiny beachfront bar under a palm-leaf roof. We spent some time surfing and I accomplished another great dream I was longing for since I was a child: I plunged in the water among three huge manta rays and swam side by side with a 6-meter whale shark. It was unbelievable, we were indeed very close to each other! The most exciting moment was when the shark looked at me right in the middle of my face from one of his wee wee eyes.
Soundtrack: “Surfin Safari” The Beach Boys
1 comment:
Hey Matteo muy buena la pagina!!!
y las fotos!!! alguna me suena jejeje...
Me alegro de que lo pasaseis bien en Tofo, un maravilloso lugar para descansar unos días y conocer buena gente.
Echo de menos aquellas cenas... :(
un saludo
Beatriz Codea
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