Le cascate del Nilo bianco sono uno spettacolo naturale unico al mondo. Il fiume intero e' costretto a passare in uno spazio di appena 6 metri e la potenza dell'acqua in quel punto raggiunge un livello esagerato. Il rumore dell'acqua lo si puo' sentire da chilometri di distanza ed una volta arrivati li' si e' come ipnotizzati da questa forza naturale. Io ero talmente emozionato che mi sono lasciato prendere dall'entusiasmo ed un po' incautaumente mi sono avventurato su un masso in mezzo alla cascata d'acqua. Inaspettatamente sono stato sommerso da un'ondata d'acqua piu' grande del normale che mi ha fatto perdere l'equilibrio costringendomi ad afferrare il masso con le mani. Vi assicuro che in quel momento l'adrenalina ha invaso il mio corpo e ci sono voluti dieci minuti affinche' il mio cuore tornasse a battere regolarmente.
In fin dei conti sono stato fortunato ed ho imparato che e' da incoscienti correre rischi inutili ed anche se questo vuol dire seguire le proprie emozioni, non ne vale mai la pena.
Colonna sonora: "One step beyond" Madness
we spent 4 days in Jinja. we met some lovely people out there. namely mitch, jack and geoffrey. real characters who ran the campsite. we had a lovely time time with them unwinding and patching ourselves up mentally and physically. i had a lot of work to do on the bike. i had to gas weld my seat adjustment shaft on the bike. which was a real hash bush mechanic job. but i had no choice. its worked out quite nicely in the end. the rear shock from Sachs is a really fantastic design with a pivoting action. as in the shock itself doesn't support the weight of the bike. it does so indirectly. so when the shock bottoms out its the seat adjustment shaft (that is pivoting off the shock) that takes the brunt of the hit and snaps. so the shock remains protected. i find it a master piece in design. Bmw shocks out in Africa are breaking all the time whereas our Ducati's haven't had a single problem with them. we rode a very hard two day ride to Murchison falls. about 450 km of very bad road. at one point we rode 25 km with speed bumps every 10 meters! i was going nuts i tell you. we bushed camped in the middle of nowhere and then we arrived at the falls. wow it is probably the single most beautiful piece of nature i've ever seen. the entire nile passes through a 6metre gap. the power of that water is astounding. you cant hear yourself think. being near it makes your heart beat faster and you can feel a heavy presence there. the water drops 300metres and the force of it is so powerful that the water actually rises back up 200 meters up the cliff creating these incredible white water. i spent about 2 hours taking photographs of the mists rising out of that place. it was a really enchanting experience and i will never forget it.
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