Sunday, 2 December 2007

Damascus - Dead Sea (6.291 km)

6 travellers going around the world on different missions

our first camp. on the shores of the dead sea. -400 metres under sea level.

our descent to the dead sea from Amman

cruising in jordan.

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Well we hooked up with 4 other bikers. so now were 6. 2 guys from australia and malaysia. they travelled 25.000 km's in 8 weeks! through pakistan! with a 40% chance of getting hijacked. (86% of percentages are made up mind you). chris nearly died from altitude sickness and the stories go on and on. amazing guys. we walked damascus flat in 3 hours and hit the bar in true biker style. and got horrificly drunk in an arab country. after all, we are infidels to do in a righteously bodacious joint like siria. next morning we cruised through to the dead sea. a long slow cruise with george and tom. stopping often. taking it easy. we camped freely with the bedouins of the region near the shores of the dead sea. ah... so great to camp out in the open. and for free! woke up to a little kid on donkey staring at us and asking us wether we could swap his donkey with our dukes. mmmmmm it was tough, and that donkey looked mighty fine... but we decided to keep our signoritas instead.

Venerdi 30/11/2007 siamo entrati in Giordania. Ad Amman ci siamo separati e Robin ed io abbiamo proseguito per il Mar Morto (N 31 45,869' E 35 35,232') insieme a Tom e George con cui ci siamo accampati per la notte. Il giorno dopo abbiamo ritrovato in spiaggia Michael e Werner che ci hanno raccontato di essere stati ospitati da un Giordano che gli ha lasciato la casa a disposizione. Naturalmente la sera stessa ci siamo trasferiti tutti in questa casa con vista mare, terrazzo e piscina con annessa sorgente termale naturale.

Colonna sonora: "Mad about you" Sting


annama said...

finalmente riacciuffati!La truppa si fa più numerosa!La voglia di tagliare i ponti e di andarsene prende un po' tutti,anche me che vado a visitare il sito per avere una piccola parte nel viaggio.Buona fortuna e buni in contri di luoghi e persone

mom said...

Robin, am so amazed at how fat you have travelled already and all the incredible sights you have seen already. Petra is on my list of places to see before I die!!! Travel safely and do it all. Love ya mom said...

Si vede che è tutto un fotomontaggio! Robi, domani andiamo all'abruzzese con Anita. Tu ci raggiungi? Saluti Brazas...Vincenzo+Monica+BulldogMarta

Anonymous said...

Braaaaaaaaaa! Been checking all this crazy shit you guys are up to. Wish we could chat. Try and get to a phone on christmas. MAybe I'll make it onto the 'must call' list if you do. Take care guys. THe gypsy.