Monday 23 June 2008

Praia do Tofo – Maputo (27.950 km)

Siamo partiti da Praia do Tofo veramente tardi. Questo posto era talmente bello che abbiamo fatto fatica ad allontanarcene. Quasi tutto il viaggio l’abbiamo fatto di notte al buio, ma fortunatamente la strada e’ stata rifatta da poco ed era quindi in ottime condizioni.
Colonna Sonora: “Night time is the right time” Ray Charles

We lingered at Praia do Tofo, and when we set out it was really late. The place was so beautiful that it was difficult for us to leave it behind. We travelled mostly by night in the darkness, but the road has been renovated recently and it was in excellent conditions.Soundtrack: “Night time is the right time” Ray Charles

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